Moving a Tree from Ancestry to FamilySearch

For those who love using Ancestry for research and find that they have built their trees there but would like to add them to FamilySearch, this post is for you. One way is to go to the Profile Page of an individual. In the upper right hand corner you can find the little FamilySearch Tree. Click on this and you will be able to select a person to match it to in FamilySearch or if no one is in the FamilySearch Tree to match to you can add the individual to FamilySearch. Another way is to Download a GEDCOM of your Ancestry Tree then upload it to FamilySearch. This is also a good way to preserve your data. The GEDCOM stays in your complete control. You may choose to share it with the FamilySearch Tree, compare data with what is already there, or delete it. Living individuals will not be added to the FamilySearch Tree. The trick is finding the tree after you have uploaded it. It is a little hidden. The Steps for this method are outlined in this PowerPoint: FamilySearch Genealogi...