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What is a CAMPAIGN?

Remember when FamilySearch sent out an email telling you that you had Pioneers and gave you a link?  Also, Mormon Battalion, Obituaries, etc?

Well, I have been collecting those links and they are below. These links interact with your personal LDS account. These campaigns are by no means meant to be comprehensive. They are just FUN. (The Pioneer campaign says I have 18 Pioneers. Among those are only 9 direct-line Pioneers. I happen to have 32 direct-line Pioneers. But that is okay! Most people have no idea how many Pioneers they have. See Pioneer PowerPoint)

FamilySearch Campaigns and Handy URLs PowerPoint PDF

Some Campaigns will work for you and some will not. I don't have any Mormon Battalion ancestors and FamilySearch knows it!

(FamilySearch discontinues campaigns every now and then, which is very sad. I hope all of these remain active far into the future!)

Know of any others? Please let us know in the comments!


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