This page makes available the handouts and slide decks from presentations I do around the valley. These are some of my presentations. See my class pages for other subjects. Or I can take requests depending on the topic.
Enjoy the material!

Thank you for your interest!

My contact information:
Peggy Ash, AG 
480-296-8622 or


Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps


Learn the history behind the World War I and II drafts and how they were conducted. Discover how to interpret the codes and numbers provided on early registration cards and what they mean to their likelihood of having served in the military or having created more records. Find out new access to registration cards you may not know about and why access to color images can be important.

ANCESTRY TREE BUILDING Tips and Tricks-Visitor's Center 2024-09-23
Learn the most efficient ways of using Ancestry's tree-building software. Discover how to create unattached trees for use in DNA research and ideas for using tags and notes. Also hints for using more effectively when working with obituaries.

SUPER SEARCHES in ANCESTRY-Trilogy Conference 2023-04-05

SUPER SEARCHES for Ancestry and FamilySearch  2020-10-22
Learn how to quickly and efficiently find more records while compensating for indexing errors and hard-to-spell names.
     Power Searches: Tips and Tricks
     Handout: Online Detecting 201 Contact me for the Answer Key 
     (Used with permission from FamilySearch)

Based on the Genealogy Standards learn how to get the most out of every document you encounter. This is where brick walls start to crumble!

Gathering and correlating records and the information they contain can verify known information, resolve, conflicting information, or it may reveal surprises you didn't know existed! As you learn and practice correlating records, your skills, knowledge, and confidence will improve and maybe a brick wall will crumble!

EXTRA EXTRA Read All About Your Ancestors in the NEWSPAPER!
Can't find BMD information? Know of an unusual death or accident your ancestors experienced? Did they own a business? Were they the subject of gossip? You never know what you may find!
     Handout: Digital Newspapers


This presentation walks you through a short history of land in the United States, what a land patent is, and how to access one. It also walks you through using the BLM GLO Land Catalog to easily locate the land described in the patent.

This presentation will give you an overview of  U.S. land records and why they are important. It covers what is unique about State Land States and Public Land States and where to find the records. Learn the difference between a patent and a deed and much more!

Learn how to use the WONDERFUL and AMAZING resources at the General Land Office website. Learn about LAND PATENTS and how to get the most from the GLO BLM Website regarding land records acquired from the Federal Government. Discover the wealth of information available as more maps and supporting records are continually being scanned and added. Acquire land patents, surveys, and more for cash sales, homesteads, preemption, military bounty, etc.
Bounty Land Warrants benefited soldiers and their heirs as a payment or a reward for military service in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, and Indian Wars. Free money or land was a big incentive for heirs to apply and as the laws changed the benefits increased so more heirs applied. Bounty Land Warrants can be a rich tale of the land, the soldier, and family relationships.


PIXEL TO PORTRAIT- Digitizing and Scanning
Starting with a pixel, discover what it means to digitize a photo.  Learn archival digitizing standards and how these standards translate into what dpi (resolution) you need for each individual photo. We discuss photo care, scanners, hiring it out, and tips and tricks to streamline the process and do it right with confidence. 
    Handout: Pixel to Portrait 

Different styles of organization are presented with tips for getting the best out of each one. Design the best system for you while implementing time-saving tech tips. Also organization and batch labeling tips for contemporary photos.

Learn what metadata is and how to use it with photos and family history. Windows File Explorer, Mac, and Adobe Bridge will be discussed. 

Learn how to use the features in your Memories Gallery and the New Person Page and a whole lot more! 
(If you don't like LIVING memories being findable, please let your voice be heard at FamilySearch.)

Digitize and edit audio cassette recordings. 
Example: Mary Lynn and Fireflies with Noise Reduction

NEW! Share living memories with others in a FamilySearch TREE.


This is where ALL of the FamilySearch records reside whether they are books, microfilm, or digital film with or without an index. Truly your GOLDMINE for genealogy records.
     Handout: The FamilySearch Catalog

The FamilySearch WIKI: The FREE CANDY STORE for Genealogists
Learn how to become an expert on any genealogy topic or location.

NEW! Share living memories with others in a FamilySearch TREE.


Learn what DNA is and how to group your DNA matches into great-grandparent groupings.


FUN WITH GRAVES (PowerPoint not provided, so sorry!)
Updated April 2021
Learn about the history of gravestones in America, what the symbols mean, and then have some fun with poignant, unusual, and funny gravestones. Get the answers to the Find A Grave Inventor Hunt and the Gravestone puzzle. 


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