Creative Iterative Searches on FamilySearch and Ancestry

Why doesn't my ancestor show up in the census? Well, maybe he did! When a record doesn't immediately pop up in search results it doesn't mean that it isn't available. It may just take a bit more creativity to find.

What is an "iterative" search? It is a search where you vary the parameters of repeated searches to improve the results. Thus you evaluate the results and then determine what new search parameters might be used to improve the results.

FamilySearch and Ancestry have very different search engines. FamilySearch uses a tightly filtered search while Ancestry uses a fuzzy search. One is not better than the other, they are just different. When you understand how they work you can make both systems work to your advantage.

If you don't have all of the birth, marriage, death, and census records for your first 4-5 generations, it is time to start getting creative in your hunt for them!

This PowerPoint will give you tools you need to start making your searches more effective and find those records that may hide behind transcription errors. Tools like: wildcards, specific record searches, no-name searches, record types or category types, and slider bars.

Creative Iterative Searches on FamilySearch and Ancestry PowerPoint PDF

For a challenge that will really teach you the in and outs of creative searches try FamilySearch's Online Detecting 201's "In Class Activities Numbers1-11". (Used with permission) Yes, they are all possible! For an even greater challenge do them all in FamilySearch and then do them all in Ancestry. You will be a pro! (Please do not correct the Ancestry mistranscriptions or others will not be able to take advantage of this great learning opportunity)

FamilySearch Online Detecting 201

Peggy's Online Detecting 101

Contact me for the answer key using both FamilySearch and Ancestry.


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