Beginning Family History Step 5-Magical World of Record Hints

The miracle of modern technology meets genealogy with the magical world of record hints!

Add an individual to a tree in one of the major online genealogy sites like FamilySearch, Ancestry, Find My Past, or My Heritage and within seconds record hints have been generated. The websites use the information from your tree to search their databases to find records that pertain to your individual. Hints are produced for records that the systems have found and with a high degree of confidence believe apply to your individual.

Even though the systems are often quite good at bringing us valid hints, each hint still needs to be evaluated and the record analyzed. Even when there seems to be very little information, each piece of information can be a clue that leads us to more information and can be used as evidence to support or contradict what we already know.

As new information is identified it needs to be added to the tree. FamilySearch does not automatically correct or transfer vital information to the individual when attaching a record hint like Ancestry does. It needs to be manually entered. This is important to note and follow up on as you attach new sources to an individual in FamilySearch.

The better the information becomes and the more information we add to an individual the more record hints that can be generated because the system becomes more confident in its searches.

Using FamilySearch, this PowerPoint will show you how to evaluate and glean the most information from a record hint as well as attach it to the individuals mentioned in the record.

How to Make a Table in Word YouTube Video

Beginning Family History-Magical World of Record Hints


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